Good news: after the Naktuinbouw Elite audit a few weeks ago, our Naktuinbouw Elite certification has been renewed again!
In addition to monitoring and inspections during the season and the annual audit for European certification, an extensive Elite audit takes place once every three years. This audit examines the quality system’s assurance of origin, propagation, cultivation and track trace. In addition, a risk analysis is an essential part of the Elite certification. This describes key moments where possible risks can arise and how these are secured.
Because Fruitboomkwekerij Morren again meets the requirements of Elite certification, a higher quality level(Elite Grootfruit: above-legal plus on EU certification) of the propagating material, for both apple and pear trees and rootstocks, can be guaranteed. The planting material is delivered with a Naktuinbouw Elite label. Rootstocks also receive a Naktuinbouw Elite certificate.
In this way, we will take every effort to deliver the most reliable and healthy tree and rootstocks possible, with which the fruit grower can get a good start in the orchard. The best start in fruit production!